Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

Inktec Refill 60xl Black Cartridges Recomended

 Refill Cartridges 60xl    Vacuum Combo

Inktec refill kit for Hewlett Packard HP 60 (CC640WN) and 60XL (CC641WN) pigment black inkjet cartridge. Our InkTec dual refill kits supply all the tools necessary for you to refill your existing empty ink cartridges 4~10 times, depending on if you are filling your HP 60 or your HP 60XL. Our refill kits are not 'universal'. The CC640WN / CC641WN refill kit is designed to be used only on your HP 60 or your 60XL black HP cartridge.

  • Two 20 ml bottles of black ink (for 4~10 refills)
  • Refill clip, ink injection needle x 2, an ink suction syringe, Adhesive tape, a pair of plastic gloves included
  • Refills OEM ink printer cartridges: HP 60, 60XL Black

Price : $12.99

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